Positivity: Do you need an IVF holiday?

I began writing this blog in October last year approximately two months after my second failed IVF cycle. The feeling of desperation and sheer disappointment was unlike anything I had ever experienced, and I would have given anything for it to work for us. But it didn’t, so there I was left with only an injection marked stomach and a box of broken dreams, I mean vials, to show for it.

I decided to start a blog so that I could perhaps help others on a similar journey. When I started out on the road towards IVF a year ago this month there was little in the way of inspiring information out there. There were plenty of good stories and even more bad stories but nothing I could really relate to. I just wanted the facts. I wanted to know what it would really feel like to go through a cycle of IVF. How ill would I feel. How tired would I be. And, would I really be as grumpy and miserable as I thought I might be when I was on down regulation drugs?

So I got off to a fairly good start, I wrote a bit and gave a bit of background information about myself – I even had a comment from a very lovely reader, (hooray someone found my blog and read it), and then I kind of well, stopped.  The truth is I needed some time out. I needed a break from IVF for a while. My google search engine gave up the ghost and I finally exhausted everything out there to read and obsess over. Well that’s an exaggeration but you get what I mean. My brain was frazzled and my mind needed time off. In the words of my uber wise Yoga Teacher and Mentor – I needed an IVF holiday.

The funny thing is, during the darkest days I always longed for a bit of positivity. I longed to able to look on the brightside and imagine my own little family. I’m usually a fairly positive person but not it seemed where fertility was concerned.

Imagine my surprise when I heard myself saying to my husband that I must get on with my blog. I need to do it while I’m waiting for the IVF to work and I’m still in the IVF World. That I think may just have been my first positive thought ever where IVF and fertility is concerned.

So there we have it. I’m back. I’ve had my IVF holiday and I am ready to share my experiences with you. As I head towards my third IVF cycle I pray it works but in the meantime I promise to share my story in the hope it may also help you.

2 thoughts on “Positivity: Do you need an IVF holiday?

  1. I had an IVF holiday too and I think it is healthy. I read a few of the blogs I follow closely and rarely posted and it was just what I needed. But I am happy to be back now too. I think it is normal to want time out from thinking about it all. It can be a bit all consuming I think.


    1. Can’t it just? It totally consumed every waking moment for me. I was on a total mission to find answers. I have travelled the length and breadth of the UK to speak to experts. I have read countless books and studies. I needed some time out. I now hope to share the things I have learnt along the way which is where this little blog comes in. Thank you for commenting and helping me though this process. It can be so good to talk xx

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