IVF: Do I exercise during treatment

Ordinarily if I was feeling stressed or under pressure I’d do some exercise. I’d either pound the streets on a nice long run, or I’d get into the gym and wear myself out with some weights or a fitness class. During IVF I didn’t want to do either of these things. If I’m honest I was just too scared of causing myself damage or reducing the success of the cycle. It’s probably crazy but there are so many mixed reviews on the internet that I decided to be cautious and not do anything.

This may have been my downfall of course. Maybe a good gym session could have done me the World of good. But I was just too scared.

In the months since my last failed cycle I have upped the amount of regular exercise I’ve been doing, in the hope that when I come to start my next cycle I will have a really good base level of fitness. This will mean that I can continue, all be it at a slower pace, during IVF.

Did you find that exercise helped during your IVF cycle, or like me did you take it easy?

I don’t know what’s the best thing really but I know that under normal circumstances I love a bit of exercise. In her book, Zita West recommends not exercising and I don’t think Emma Cannon is an advocate either. My consultant said it was ok but that I shouldn’t run a marathon. Hmmm helpful.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and any advice you might able to share with me.
