Decisions: Work and IVF

I’ve always been a career girl I guess. I’m lucky enough to have chosen to work in a field I love and it has enriched my life in many ways. I have learnt so much over the years. I’ve travelled to some great places, met some great people, had meetings and client lunches in some truly beautiful places. In fact I’ve even won an award or two along the way. It’s been a real blast.

But nobody ever looks back on their life saying they wish they had spent more time in the office. Perhaps maybe if they have their own business but even then I think it’s probably iffy. Life is about moments, it’s about fun and laughter, but mostly these days, for me at least,  it’s about family. .

It’s more or less twelve months to the day since I began to think about IVF and as I prepared for my first cycle nothing else really mattered anymore. Yes I loved my job but in the grand scheme of things there were bigger fish to fry.

So here I am. Ex career girl for now. Wondering how I will juggle a demanding job and a potential IVF cycle in London. Something has to give and for me it has to be the career. I’m not saying I want to give up work forever and truly if there was a way I could juggle all the appointments and travel with work then perhaps I might.

But then again this is my life now. It’s My IVF Life. It has to come first and I have to give it every single chance of working. Stressed out days juggling meetings and paperwork along with staff, stakeholders and all the other problems that pop up along the way. I know I am making the right choice in saying I need some time out.

I tried working through my cycles last year and to some degree it worked but on the other hand I got so poorly. I needed so much time off and then felt terrible guilt. Then of course the cycle failed anyway and I had even more guilt and what ifs.Work was the last place I wanted to be and family life became even more important to me.

No, it’s definite now. Next cycle I will be freelance for a while. I am lucky that in my industry freelance and contract work is available so that will be what I’ll do when the time is right. For now my priorities lie with my IVF world and the possibilities that could bring.

Sorry it’s a ramble but I really wanted to share. This is such a hard road and those that make it through the normal way are very lucky.

Did you find working alongside IVF tough? Did you end up reconsidering everything like I have? Perhaps you work flexitime or from home – if you do I’m jealous.

Life can be tough for working mums but I can’t help but feel it’s even harder for those going through IVF.


4 thoughts on “Decisions: Work and IVF

  1. I’m a working mum who is also doing IVF! I have 3 different businesses on the go and while I do it from home (which is great for flexibility) I also just don’t have enough time to give everything to them all. I am finding this cycle a lot easier as I am starting slow with some clients this year so I feel there are much less demands on my time. I am so much more relaxed because of it. If something comes up and I can’t meet the deadline or meeting, I just shift it. This is so unlike me but it is where I am at right now. I’d rather shift things and have them move more slowly then feel stressed and pressured. So I think you are making the right choice. It has definitely helped me get through this cycle more easily. Good luck! x


  2. I gave up a position so we could do our FET(s) with a less stressful schedule, it’s hard. I feel like we give up so much from jobs to eating normally and going out with friends and more ($$$), and all we can do is hope that it will all be worth it in the end…


  3. Hi Wheresmywave, I was so pleased to receive your comment and when I was having a stressy day today I thought about what you said and it made me know I am making the right decision. You have to give it your best don’t you. I just pray it works out for us. xx


  4. Hi Emily, Wow, you had double hard work. I can’t imagine caring for a child and going through the IVF process. Your words of encouragement are hugely appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It’s such a hard choice to have to make but ultimately I have to give myself the very best chance of it working x


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